Friday, July 15, 2011

July 17th The answer isn't in the past it's in the future!

When we reject something "new " that has been brought to us by the Higher Order of  things we pause. In pausing we have doubt and doubt creates fear.

You become fearful and you don't realize it at first. You think that there might be something wrong but you dismiss it. Instead of reflecting, serious reflection, serious meditation, constructive examination of self you go on a intellect binge.

" EVERYTHING is pretty good in my world " you spout to all who will listen AND
you add, "what is not good I can't do much about- huh, it's all good though " but you are lying to yourself. It's not ALL GOOD.

You are tripping and you don't even know it! Oh you'll soon know it when you fall completely and it will be more than skinned elbows! " How the hell did this happen?" will be your mantra but you're not asking the right question. Your focus is on the wrong direction.

"How do we prevent this from happening again?" You probably won't ask this and therefore never know which direction to go next. At a time when we should move forward we move backwards and look somewhere into past for the answer, for the reason we tripped up and fell.

The answer isn't in the past it's in the future!


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